Photograph (from left to right): Alexis Ohanian, James Wagner, Channing Mitzell, Tim Ferriss, Brice Morrison, and Scott Olsen. Courtesy of James Wagner.
In May, Tim Ferriss, author of The 4-Hour Chef, ran a "three-week campaign of goodness" to raise money for students in need through DonorsChoose.org. Top donors of the campaign would have the chance to dine with Tim and co-founder of reddit, Alexis Ohanian at Central Kitchen in San Francisco. On July 8th, this victory dinner became reality for four dedicated donors.Giving page owners James Wagner and Channing Miztell were rewarded for receiving the most donors and most dollars, respectively. Brice Morrison and Scott Olsen were randomly selected out of the 464 donors who supported Tim’s personal giving page.The dinner itself was a huge success! The eclectic group enjoyed the restaurant’s hip ambience, the delicious food, and the chance to meet other donors. Above all, attendees were inspired by Tim and Alexis’ passion, dedication, and their commitment to DonorsChoose.org’s mission. According to Channing:
"Tim and Alexis are exemplars of community-oriented entrepreneurs: their commitment to DonorsChoose.org paves the way for people like myself to want to give back, too."
Thanks to both Tim and Alexis for going above and beyond in order to support teachers and students.