The Dream Fund is back and is matching $300,000 of donations through a Double Your Impact match offer. Since 2009, the Lincy Foundation has brought to life over $1.5 million worth of projects!To qualify for this matching grant, post a project with a total cost under $2,000 (including all fees and the optional donation.) Teachers can receive funding for up to two projects.To qualify, Clark County, Nevada teachers must:• Get started by registering at www.donorschoose.org/teachers• Submit up to two projects on DonorsChoose.org• Request materials which cost less than $1,500• Submit your project by February 14th*Typically projects that cost less than $600 have a better chance of being fully funded.Know a teacher who needs materials?Help this offer go viral by sharing this photo on your Facebook, Twitter, or other social networking site to help let teachers know about this funding opportunity!