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Digital Courseware Now Offered by AKJ Books!


Hey teachers, do your students need great content for computers, netbooks, eReaders, or tablets? Our vendor AKJ Books now offers more than 40,000 eBooks for all platforms, along with digital courseware from Speakaboos, Orca eBook subscriptions, Big Universe, Starrmatica, Mathalicious, JASON project: STEM Curricula, and EverFi.To celebrate this exciting new content, AKJ Books is generously supporting projects for digital courseware and eBooks. To qualify for half-off funding, request up to $800 in digital materials from AKJ Books and mention eBooks or the brand name of the digital courseware (i.e. “EverFi”) in your essay. Projects may take a few days to qualify.Create a project for digital courseware today to take advantage of this great offer.Hats off to AKJ Books for making this great content available to teachers around the country!

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