DonorsChoose.org is thrilled to announce that Disney is funding hands-on environmental projects across the United States for 3rd to 8th grade classrooms. Through a Double Your Impact match offer, Disney will fund $300,000 worth of projects focusing on the environment. Since 2009, Disney has funded over 1,693 classroom projects focusing on saving the environment.Teachers in grades 3-8 still have until February 1 to post a project to qualify for this match funding. Teachers who submit before February 1 will be eligible for full project funding starting in mid-February. Funding will be on a first-come, first-serve basis.Teachers can submit up to two qualifying projects. Visit www.donorschoose.org/disneymatch to learn more.Need an idea for a hands-on environmental project?
- Class pets
- School garden
- Local waterway cleanup
- Recycling projects
- Test air quality
- Hatching live specimens
- Check out projects that are currently qualifying for this offer for more ideas.
Want to help us spread the word about this funding opportunity? Share this photo on your Facebook, Twitter, or other social networking site to let teachers know about the Disney match offer!