Today TOMS Shoes asked people around the world to spend the day (or at least part of it) shoeless. We at feel a special kinship with TOMS Shoes - for two main reasons:1) We are both committed to providing children in need with essentials that are so often taken for granted. (For every pair of shoes TOMS sells, they donate a pair to a child in need.)2) Most of our staff has at some point mentioned the name of our organization to someone only to be met with a confused look and the befuddled response, "Donors SHOES?" (We've also received at least one personal check made payable to "Donors Shoes.")Given the above, how could we *not* support TOMS and their One Day Without Shoes campaign? The goal is to spread awareness of what millions of children in developing countries deal with each day because they can't afford shoes. Their risks are great as they often walk miles daily to reach clean water, seek medical attention, or attend school. Some schools won't even allow children to attend without shoes. By providing these kids with shoes, TOMS & their customers are giving them one less thing to worry about in their day-to-day lives. They are making a safer life possible, and an education more accessible.Many of our staff in NYC have gone shoeless today in support of TOMS' efforts. We've gone to meetings, lunches, out for coffee, etc. -- all in our barefeet. We've received some weird looks, and I certainly wouldn't eat dinner off the soles of our feet -- but it's been a great way to start conversations about the issue, and to think about how difficult a life without shoes must truly be.

Two of these feet belong to our CTO. Any guesses as to which?