A few weeks ago, a couple of our team members were invited to Indianapolis for ExactTarget’s Connections Conference. We were very grateful for the warm Indy welcome and here are a few highlights of the trip.Before we had even left the city, Salesforce put together an incredible video highlighting the way DonorsChoose.org uses the Salesforce ExactTarget Marketing Cloud. It was great to hear the voice of one our teachers describing how emails have impacted her work.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J2ny2qqeo88&feature=youtu.beCharles introducing DonorsChoose.org On the very first morning of the conference, Charles Best, our founder, was interviewed by Salesforce CEO, Mark Benioff. Everyone present watched the video above and then got to hear from Charles.

Panels Charles wasn’t the only one to present! Katie, Morgan, Maggie, members of our marketing team, each spoke on panels about the different uses our organization has for email.

The Candy BarClearly ExactTarget knows that we’re all just kids at heart because they put together a fantastic candy bar in ExactTarget orange and Salesforce blue! After a long day of meeting new people and presenting, some sugar was just what we needed.

Catching up with friends. DonorsChoose.org friend, Mindy Kaling, presented the closing keynote of Connections 2014. She gave some honest (and hilarious!) advice on how to successfully use social media to promote your brand.The trip was a great success and a fantastic way for all of us to learn new skills while spreading the word about DonorsChoose.org to marketers around the country.