Funding great projects requires great support from the community. In February, Mrs. Dabin at Kanuikapono Public Charter School in Anahola, HI, posted a request on for a brand new playground. At the time, students only had a dirt field where they could play during recess.She told us: “From letters to the principal to pleading with the teacher, these students would like nothing more than a playground (and maybe some grass too). Knowing these students and how hard some of their home lives are, it is a common goal of our staff to help these students succeed in and out of the classroom. Although their resiliency is unbelievable, my belief is that having a more stimulating experience out of the classroom will result in even greater academic achievement in the classroom."

The school didn’t start with much, but Mrs. Dabin was determined to provide her students with the chance to play outside and learn healthy habits.Over the next few months, over 150 donors from the community contributed to the project to help it get funded. In June, they got some great news:

Days later, construction began.

No more empty fields for these lucky students!

After a lot of hard work, the structure became a complete (and decorated) playground, ready for the first day of school.

Now these students have the resources to play and learn, both inside the classroom and out.Many thanks to the more than 150 donors who made this playground possible for the students of Kanuikapono Public Charter School!All photos courtesy of Nick Galente Photography.