As summer draws to a close and the weather starts to chill, it can only mean one thing – the beginning of another school year for countless children. I am sure you remember your first day of classes: the yellow school bus, the scent of freshly sharpened pencils, and the excitement of meeting your new teacher. In honor of heading back to school, ThinkGeek is giving away 10 $100 gift certificates to their website! Get ready to impress with the quirky gadgets and gizmos featured on their site.To enter to win, think of your favorite elementary school memory and post it in a comment below by noon EST on Tuesday, September 18. It can be anything from the time “Jimmy” squirted milk from his nose from laughing too hard to when your favorite first grade teacher took your class to the pumpkin patch. The winners will be selected and informed via email.We can’t wait to read your stories!