On Thursday, September 6th, Good Morning America announced it's new campaign collaboration with DonorsChoose.org, #GivingMyAllGMA. The show aired a short feature highlighting the non-profit organization's efforts to support public school teachers across the country. The feature included shots from inside the DonorsChoose.org New York office, as well as several classrooms that have directly benefitted from the work of the organization.On Friday, September 7th, Good Morning America devoted an hour-long segment to encouraging viewers to fund classroom projects on DonorsChoose.org. They announced that the fundraising campaign for #GivingMyAllGMA would run through Monday, September 10th. During the segment, viewers were shown a live moment of gratitude between a New Jersey classroom and a donor from North Carolina who helped fund their most recent project.On Monday, September 10th, Good Morning America celebrated raising $2,031,598.00, including $500,000 from Disney, and fully funding 4,801 classroom projects from 22,832 donors by partnering with DonorsChoose.org for the first ever #GivingMyAllGMA campaign.All the school projects funded by 'GMA' viewers and DonorsChoose'

GMA' surprises public school teacher with school supplies, funding for dream projects
