See the winning apps and analyses! »Back in April, we announced an opportunity for developers and data crunchers to Hack Education with us. We challenged them to create apps and analyses to engage the public and impact education.In addition to inviting new apps to be built on our API, we opened up 10 years of’s data for the contest: over 300,000 classroom project requests from more than 165,000 teachers at 43,000 public schools, and more than a million donations from 400,000 donors that provided $80,000,000 in giving.The response from the tech community was simply amazing:400 developers and data crunchers joined the Hacking Education email list,70 of them attended a ten-hour hackathon at General Assembly, and50 terrific apps and analyses were submitted!Today we’re excited to announce the...25 submissions that were so awesome, we will be featuring them in a special showcase, and of course the...8 winners selected by our esteemed judges as contest finalists! One of them will become the...1 big winner chosen by Arianna Huffington, Joel Klein, Fred Wilson, and Wendy Kopp...and crowned by Stephen Colbert!We’re so grateful to the developers and data crunchers who stepped up to our challenge and authored such compelling apps and analyses! We were truly blown away by your creativity. Our most heartfelt congratulations to you all.We also want to extend a big THANK YOU to our amazing judges and our generous sponsors. We all wouldn’t have been Hacking Education without you!See descriptions and links for the 8 winners...And be sure to check out the 25 apps and analyses in the Hacking Education showcase!