Have you noticed that there are more than 200 teachers requesting iPads? Have you ever wondered how those teachers and students are using them? It turns out the answer is for almost everything; in English classes they are being used for reading books, drafting documents and for phonics applications; in mathematics, students set math goals, learn while playing apps, and monitor their progress; science students can see macroscopic and molecular chemistry information in 3D, do calculations and practice worksheets. The iPads can also be used to great success in history, geography, art, music and in many other subjects. Teachers are also coordinating iPads with other classroom technology, like smartboards and document cameras, to ensure that every student in the class is benefiting.[caption id="attachment_2860" align="aligncenter" width="388" caption="Apps one teacher has uploaded to her class iPad."]

[/caption]Here is some feedback from teachers who are using iPads to engage their students:
Wow! What a wonderful back to school gift for my classroom… when we go out to the outdoor classroom, [we can] collect samples from the stream on the school campus as well as other field activities…, collect and record the data and then we can bring it back to the classroom for further analysis.
… I'd like to thank you for helping my students. They now have a tool at their disposal that has changed their educational live ...One app that I downloaded which has really bridged the gap between classroom curriculum and sign language development is the "Sign 4 Me" app… one of my second grade students, while learning social studies, did not know what the word continent was. Instantaneously, I was able to look up the sign for the word continent and teach it not only to him, but to his entire class…I then downloaded a continent and world geography game onto the iPad. He now knows the sign and the names of all 7 continents.
This tool is invaluable to my students. It excites them, motivates them and most of all taps into their most natural way of learning. I can't thank you enough for the generosity and support you have shown to these exceptional students.
Outside of the App Store, options such as iBooks and iTunes U provide a transportable library of books, videos and podcasts; and inbuilt technology enables the creation of video, audio, text and presentations. Creative teachers are doing great things in our classrooms! You can help concepts come to life for students by supporting a teacher today!