DonorsChoose.org is one of the only crowdfunding platforms where you don’t have to exclusively fundraise from your own network. On our site, perfect strangers who have never met you or your students but care deeply about education line up to contribute to the work you do. Some of the most generous of these strangers are our corporate and foundation partners. Last school year alone, these folks collectively contributed more than $50 million to classroom projects. You can use these funding opportunities whether or not you know exactly what you want to request for your classroom. Here's how.

Don't know what you're going to request through the site? Our partners work with DonorsChoose.org staff to develop innovative campaigns that can inspire some of your most creative work. Here are a few examples from this past year alone: 1. DICK’S Sporting Goods’ match offer for team sports projects has inspired dozens of teachers to start their own school teams. 2. TOM’s of Maine challenged teachers to come up with their most innovative project ideas for teaching students about a pressing environmental issue, providing a match offer for all such projects and issuing large prizes for their favorite ideas.That’s just two out of more than 100 companies and foundations hankering to offer you that next engaging idea. (We’ll never insist that your next project be X, Y, or Z; our funding opportunities are just cool ideas you can try if they work for your students.) For project inspiration, look no further than the opportunities currently available.

Already have the perfect idea? Know exactly what resources your students need? Your idea might still qualify for a funding offer. Visit our funding opportunities page to see if your project will qualify for a current offer, and be sure to follow any and all instructions if it does. You can also directly access funding offers from your teacher account. Simply click "Create a project" and then "Current match offers" as shown below:
Click the image above to sign in and get started!