It’s safe to say that wouldn’t exist as we do today without the work of our volunteers. Without the hours they put in, we could never screen thousands of projects and thank-you notes each month and still remain lean and scrappy. We certainly owe them a big piece of our 4-star rating on Charity Navigator, a site that rates nonprofits on our efficiency and transparency. We have two volunteer communities:
- Our “Teachers as Screeners,” a group of current and former teachers who join us remotely to fully vet and verify every project submitted to our site.
- Our in-office Gratitude Volunteers, made up of teachers and donors who process all of the handwritten student-thank yous from classrooms across the country.
Here’s some of the amazing work our volunteers have done this year

If you live near New York City, we're looking for in-office volunteers to help us process student thank-yous.