Back in June, Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany, a global leader in science and technology, announced the launch of its “Smarter, Together in the Classroom” program. The company committed $125,000 to fund the most pressing, scientific questions in Massachusetts classrooms, in partnership with the Massachusetts Association of Science Teachers, and in celebration of the company’s 125 years of operation in the United States.The program generated 220 inspiring projects totaling over $200,000! After thoughtful consideration, Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany has funded projects exploring curious questions in 130 Massachusetts classrooms.In addition to making these projects a reality, the company is offering the time and talents of its scientists and researchers to help teachers and students execute their projects.Due to the success of “Smarter, Together in the Classroom” in Massachusetts, Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany is excited to announce a $125,000 commitment to expand the program to the Greater St. Louis region. Local promotional partners include KIPP St. Louis, Washington University in St. Louis, and Science Teachers of Missouri.To qualify for funding, projects must:
- Be submitted by January 13, 2016
- Be classified under one of the science subject categories (environmental science, health and life science, applied science)
- Cost $1,250 or less in total costs
- Serve students in grades K-12 in the Greater St. Louis region
- Include the phrase “Smarter, Together” in the project essay
- Mention the scientific question the submission is designed to explore (e.g., “Why do plants grow at different speeds?”)
Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany, will hand-select projects to fully fund on January 25, 2016. Please note, if choosing to participate in this campaign by submitting an eligible project with the phrase “Smarter, Together,” you grant the right to share your e-mail address with Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany, so they can contact you about potentially providing mentors for your classroom. Your e-mail address will only be shared if your qualifying project is fully funded.