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Limeades for Learning 2011 is Here!


The moment you've all been waiting for is here - Limeades for Learning starts on Monday, August 29th! Here's the skinny on this year's campaign:

  • Vote for your favorite project once per day per e-mail address at www.limeadesforlearning.com
  • Get a code that counts for 2 votes (yes 2!) by visiting your local SONIC Drive-In and making a purchase
  • If there are more than 1.5 million votes by September 30th, SONIC will donate an extra $100,000!

Each week (August 29th through September 30th) SONIC will be funding over $100,000 towards the projects that receive the most votes.  So get voting, tell your friends/family/coworkers, grab a delicious limeade, and help make a teacher's classroom dream come true.Want to make sure your classroom gets in on the action? It’s not too late to register a project you’d like help funding.In order to be eligible, teachers must register to be a "SONIC Teacher" on their account page.

SONIC sign-up instructions & teacher FAQ

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