Updated 11/22/2013: That was fast! In just a few hours 239 projects were funded, and most of the funds from the MakerBot Almost Home offer have been used. For now, the offer is only still available in Connecticut. If you have an eligible project (and were not fully funded) you may have noticed the offer come down from your project. We are still working with the MakerBot team to raise more funding for this offer. We want every teacher to have the chance to take full advantage of this opportunity. Check back here for the latest updates.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------We are so stoked to announce our brand new partnership with MakerBot.MakerBot is a on a mission to bring a 3D printer into every public school in America. Starting today, any public school teacher inthe United States can request a MakerBot Academy Bundle and their project will qualify for Almost Home funding provided by MakerBot and its partners.Each MakerBot Academy bundle contains a MakerBot Replicator 2 Desktop 3D Printer, three spools of MakerBot PLA Filament, and a full year of the MakerBot MakerCare Service and Protection Plan. MakerBot will also support teachers with the development of ongoing 3D printing curriculum that teachers can participate in and utilize in the classroom.

For more information visit MakerBot.com/AcademyTeachers, learn more here about how to request a MakerBot Academy Bundle for your classroom.