Last fall, a new designer joined our team from Etsy. He’s making some exciting new updates to our site. Last week we unveiled a brand new logo. This week, we’re taking on your account page!It’s now much easier to access your account settings, giving history, email preferences, and favorites. Under the “Public Info” tab, you’ll find your public profile URL and details on how your profile will appear on the site. You can access your giving stats (students helped, projects funded, donors mobilized, etc.) by clicking on your public profile URL.

All of your account information (email address, password, credit card information, etc.) is under the “Private Info” tab. You can trust us to keep this information just between the two of us.

You’ll also notice that account credits now appear in the upper right hand corner of the page. As you browse projects, you’ll always know how many credits you have available!
Teachers! You’ll notice similar changes in your account, too:

These changes are the results of valuable feedback we received from teachers and donors alike. We’re incredibly excited about this new look, and hope you love it as much as we do!