You’ve probably noticed a few design changes to our site over the past year. So far, we’ve revamped the Search page, given our Careers page a new look, revealed our brand new logo, and made your account page easier to navigate.This might have you wondering: What’s up next? Well, we’re excited to announce that we’ve redesigned project pages!These changes will be rolled out over the next few weeks, but we were never good at keeping secrets (especially ones we’re this excited about).Here’s a sneak peek at our 3 favorite new features:

1. A new progress bar: This new progress bar will give you a quick snapshot of how close each project is to completion, showcases the project’s expiration date, and makes it easy to give when you find a project that speaks to you.

2. A clearer narrative: Our goal has always been to create a platform for teachers to tell their stories. The new design focuses on creating a narrative and giving prospective donors a window into the classroom.

3. A more helpful timeline: We’re celebrating our donors’ and partners’ involvement by highlighting their contributions in our redesigned timeline. Teachers’ responses are called out to make it easier to see when a teacher has replied to a comment. It’s also easier to see when a comment was posted so both donors and teachers can see an accurate timeline of activity on the project!We hope you’re as excited about these changes as we are, and there are even more improvements (think more classroom photos) coming in the next few months). If you’re not seeing the new project page on your computer just yet, expect to see it soon!