Ms. Guenson of James M. Singleton Charter School in New Orleans, LA has requested an everyday calendar for kindergarten classroom. The kindergarteners in Ms. Guenson’s class enter the year without the educational foundation from preschool or home learning. She reveals “my students struggle with counting to ten at ages five and six.”According to Ms. Guenson, “the calendar is a powerful tool to teach children about counting to one hundred, months of the year, birthdays, and holidays.” For her kindergarteners, the calendar is more than just a tool to keep track of the days, but instead an important interactive classroom learning activity. She believes that an everyday calendar will “meet the needs of the individual learning styles” in her classroom. Not only does the calendar provide a visual, but it also incorporates hands-on learning and fun.Ms. Guenson believes in her students and what they can achieve. For her, “the magic is finding the key to their success.” In this case, they key is a calendar to track upcoming holidays and birthdays. Ms. Guenson’s project is titled “Swat at a Date.”