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Stephen Colbert anoints Big Winner of Hacking Education contest


The winner of Hacking Education: A Contest for Developers and Data Crunchers is...Michael Nutt of New York City!Michael developed an app that enables anyone to easily display a dynamic classroom project listing in an email signature. Contest judges Arianna Huffington, Fred Wilson, and Wendy Kopp selected Michael's creation as the Big Winner. Stephen Colbert then presented the Big Winner trophy to Michael on the set of The Colbert Report.In April, we launched our Hacking Education contest, which challenged the public to make discoveries and build apps that improve education in America. For the contest, we provided over 10 years of data, including 300,000 classroom project requests from 165,000 teachers across the country, and more than 1,000,000 project contributions.Contestants developed 50 apps and data analyses, across seven categories, which were evaluated against the question: Which app or analysis has the greatest potential to engage the public and impact education? 400 developers and data crunchers joined the Hacking Education email list and 70 attended a 10-hour hackathon at General Assembly in New York City.Check out the seven finalists and 25 additional contestants that wowed the judges and DonorsChoose.org staff. You can also add Michael's app to your signature!We're deeply grateful to the developers and data crunchers who stepped up to our challenge and authored such compelling apps and analyses.Thank you also to our terrific judges...none of us would've been Hacking Education without your help!Sweet prizes for contest finalists were contributed by Google, Adobe, Microsoft, Best Buy, Webtrends, O’Reilly, Jumpstart Lab, Joyent, and Column Five Media.

Stephen Colbert and contest Big Winner Michael Nutt

Michael at Stephen Colbert's desk

The Big Winner trophy awarded by Stephen Colbert

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