For a limited time only, and The Bully Project are offering to help train teachers and take public school students to see the movie BULLY for free in movie theaters nationwide.Update: Apply now to take your students to see BULLY before school ends. Funding is still available for end of year trips.Projects must be submitted by full-time public school teachers (full eligibility criteria).1) Sign up for free mandatory online teacher workshops or download a free copy of the official guide to BULLY from Facing History and Ourselves that prepare you to talk about BULLY in the classroom.2) Set up your account:
- If you don’t have an account, visit to get started!
- If you are new to, visit our Teacher Contact Form , select “None of the Above,” then “Other,” and submit an inquiry requesting extra points for this trip. You can leave the "Project ID" field on the form blank. A response usually takes 24 hours.
- If you have used before but have fewer than 6 points, visit our Teacher Contact Form, select “None of the Above,” then “Other,” and submit an inquiry requesting extra points for this trip. You can leave the "Project ID" field on the form blank. A response usually takes 24 hours.
3) Prepare to submit your project:
- Find an AMC theater near you and email and ask for an invoice for the cost of the tickets for your students and teachers to be emailed to you for the theater, time, and date you desire. Alternatively, check Fandango for non-AMC theaters, contact the theater directly and ask for a price quote for tickets (i.e. an invoice, email or screen capture breaking down the cost of the tickets). Make sure to ask about any group rates or special procedures for taking a group to the theater!
- If neither of those solutions works, please email if you still need help arranging a screening at a theater (minimum 200 students).
- If you need funding for transportation, check if First Student operates in your area to take advantage of special rates. Mention BULLY and ask for a price quote. If First Student does not operate in your area, contact another transportation company and request an invoice.
4) Create a project in your account:
- Choose “class trip” in Step 2
- Include expenses for the trip only. Supplemental classroom items should not be included.
- When asked to provide your trip dates, our IT system requires that you enter dates more than two months away, even though in this situation your BULLY trip will happen sooner, so when prompted to do this, please enter a fake future date in this section.
- You should plan to see the film within two weeks from the date you submit your project. Include the real date for your trip in the text of your essay.
5) If your project meets the criteria and funds remain, it will be fully funded before its expiration date.
The Bully Project is the social action campaign inspired by BULLY, a documentary that raises awareness about the issue of bullying in schools. and The Bully Project are proud to be working with generous partners such as JP Morgan Chase, Sears/Team Up to Stop Bullying, Townsend Press, Facing History and Ourselves, and First Student.
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