Katie Vallas is the School & Partnership Engagement Manager at DonorsChoose.org. Even though she’s not currently teaching, she couldn’t resist the urge to include her old teacher page link in this bio. (Best practices die hard.)

You’re at a conference. Or an Easter picnic. Or you’re making small-talk in the checkout line. Someone is showing interest in what you do: “Your third-graders are coding? That’s incredible.” “I was in the high school orchestra, too. I just loved it!” And then they ask the five words that every teacher wants to hear:“How can I support you?”The answer lies in your shiny new DonorsChoose.org teacher page. Here are four quick things you can do right now to let your teacher page win supporters for you and your students.
1. Make it your own.
If you log in to your DonorsChoose.org account and click “Public Info,” you’ll see everything that will become your teacher page. That means your own customizable URL, plus a place to upload photos and write your teaching details. Fill it out, then type your link into your web browser and take a look for yourself. Pretend you’re a donor: does this page look welcoming, compelling, and exciting to support?Now, when someone asks how they can get involved, all you have to say is: “Find me at donorschoose.org/msvallas.” You may have just found yourself a new classroom supporter.

2. Print it.
Business cards are for teachers, too! Having a card at-the-ready certainly beats telling someone your teacher page URL or scribbling it on a napkin. We have print-and-ready-to-go business cards, customized just for you. In addition to including your name, what you teach, and a couple things that make your classroom special, make sure your business card includes your teacher page link. Then, pick up some fancy paper next time you go to Staples and sneak into the faculty lounge to run off some copies!

3. Link it everywhere.
Unlike links to your individual projects, your teacher page link never has to change. You can share this page for life! That means you can put it on anything from your Christmas card to your LinkedIn account, and classroom supporters will be able to see your latest projects.Slip it into your email signature, post it in your Twitter bio, and include it in your Facebook profile. When you’re presenting at a conference, sneak it on the final slide. Classroom supporters are everywhere, and this link is your one-stop-shop to get them to your page.

4. Keep it up-to-date.
There’s nothing worse than telling someone about your amazing tenth grade chemistry labs—only to have them eagerly follow your link and start reading about your old fifth grade math class. “Did I mishear her?” they’re wondering. “I could have sworn she said she taught high school…”Keep your page updated. Every fall, keep it fresh with new details about your class. That way it’ll continue to be a warm, welcoming window into your classroom.