The mustache sporting men of Chicago celebrated another successful growing season in style at Schubas this past Sunday. There was a tug-of-stache-war, pagent style interview questions involving mustaches and a last minute dash for cash to decide who would rise to the top to be crowned the Mustache Grower of the Year. The competition was super fierce and the ‘staches were epic.To date, Mustaches for Kids Chicago Growers have raised nearly $22,000 and the money is still coming in. Baltimore, we thought we’d let you win this year so it will be even more thrilling to give you a good whooping next year. Are you up for Round Three-Best of Three? They don’t call us the Second City for nothing :)We’d like to thank all of the Chicago Growers for another ‘stachetastic year. Your scruff has had an invaluable impact on Chicago students in need and we are so grateful for your support!Until we GROW again….