In Twitter fashion, each line of this blog post is 140 characters or less. This one is only 97. :) Oops. Make that 119.Join us June 14th for this year’s TWTRCON - a conference focusing on business strategies for the real-time web - at the New York Hilton.Learn why TWTRCON's keynote speaker, Martha Stewart, calls Twitter "the Walmart of the internet." Then ask her if she meant Walmart.com.Post-conference good-times include a TweetUp at Ruby Foo's sponsored by Dell & a Rap-Up Dance Party produced by MVMT. Dance w/ your iPhone!Register using the code SPR08 and save 20%; each attendee will get a gift card to support classroom projects on DonorsChoose.org. Bonus!Hope to see you there, or at least here. You should also follow us on Twitter if you aren't already; we'll have fun. Thanks!