Throughout March, is in the running to win $250,000 for classroom library projects, but we need your help! By voting for us in the Pepsi Refresh Project, you can help improve classroom libraries for students across the country with the click of your mouse.How to help supply new books, rugs, and literacy resources to classroom libraries:• Vote today! Go to, sign up instructions below), and cast your vote.• Vote tomorrow, and the day after, and the day after... Until March 31st. You can cast a new vote once a day. If you want help remembering, set the page as your homepage or create a recurring calendar entry.• Multiply your impact by spreading the word. Share this post on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc., and tell you friends to vote early and often.$250,000...just think - that’s over 23,000 copies of Dr. Seuss’s Oh, The Places You’ll Go, or over 27,700 copies of Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird!Thank you in advance for helping students everywhere get hooked on reading!How to vote:• Visit• Click "Vote for this idea"

• If you have not yet registered, click "No, I'm new here!"

• Enter your name, email address, birthday, create a password, and the text from the automated box (to prove that you're not a robot!) and click "Done" (Pepsi will not email you unless you opt-in to their mailing list).

• Now you are registered and signed in!• Click on "Vote for this idea" once more for your vote to be counted.• Repeat once a day until March 31st!Thanks for your support!