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We're bringing data science in-house


Do you know a Data Scientist who wants to help classrooms?We're looking for a Data Scientist to...• Uncover insights to improve DonorsChoose.org, enabling them to better serve teachers and students.• Unearth findings that could improve education in America. For example, “Louisiana teachers are submitting 40% more requests for environmental science technology—shouldn’t that inform the next state school budget?”• Reveal dynamics of their philanthropic marketplace that would intrigue people in other sectors, from the “shopping” behavior of their donors to the project keywords which make it most likely to be funded.

You can help us by forwarding this opening to any friends or relevant lists, or by posting it to Facebook or Twitter!The right candidate will be skilled at translating big-picture questions into data gathering and analysis tasks. He or she will:• Devise tractable plans of attack to broad questions.• Collect and transform web app data (logs, db data, etc.) into a form suitable for analysis.• Create effective models, ranging from simple counts and histograms through more sophisticated methods drawn from statistics or machine learning.• Explain, in words and pictures, the results of the analyses in a clear and understandable way.Here's the full Data Scientist job description and more about working at DonorsChoose.org.If you know anybody that would be a good fit, email Maxwell Shron at data-scientist at donorschoose dot org.Also welcome are any suggestions about ways to get the word out about this job to the wider data community!

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