A refreshed teacher walking into an empty classroom on the first day of school, remembering why she could never imagine a life spent doing anything else. A classroom imbued with a teacher’s creativity and passion, as he transforms it from a simple room with four walls and a few empty bulletin boards into a positive and safe space where learning can flourish.Every student knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt that they are loved, that they belong, that they are a member of a classroom family who will be there for them, no matter what else is going on in their lives.Teachers not spending one more cent of their paychecks on basic classroom supplies and essential student needs.A community of supporters who know that, as much as it feels sometimes like the world will never change, they do have the power to change the world for a class full of students—today.A nation rallying around those who dedicate their lives to educating our next generation of scientists, poets, entrepreneurs, and leaders.It looks like something you can help teachers and students have right now.
What does your #BestSchoolYear look like? Here’s what a few teachers had to say:
- For Mrs. Farr, it’s every student leaving her classroom every day feeling empowered to "do and be anything they choose in this world."
- For Ms. Coward, it’s her Kindergarteners learning to share her passion for reading, because "if the love of books is there, the rest will come."
- For Ms. Frank and Ms. Perez, it’s students developing a growth mindset, so they become resilient and understand that that failure is just the beginning.
Share your ideas in the comments below!