You made this year amazing.
This school year, you and your fellow givers brought 183,574 classroom dreamsto life for teachers and students across the country.You filled classrooms with crayons and robots, violins and winter coats. You sent students on field trips to Shakespeare festivals and dairy farms and gave teachers the chance to grow professionally. You supported our expansion into Head Start programs and essential student needs, bringing us one step closer to a country where all students have the resources they need to thrive.As we gear up for the new school year, let’s take a moment to celebrate all that we accomplished together this year.

Charles BestFounder and CEO
You showed a record number of teachers and students that you’re invested in their future:
183,574 projects funded this year
591,216 donors gave
102,971 thank-you packages sent

“Through your kindness, you have let my kindergartners know that there is a whole world out there rooting for their success.”
-Ms. Covino, PS 11 William T Harris, New York, NY

You helped students come to class ready to learn with student life essentials.
When students don’t have access to healthy meals, warm clothes, or personal care items, they can struggle to thrive at school. Teachers are now able to request these essential items using the Warmth, Care & Hunger category on our site. Since our launch, you've helped fund 1,922 projects reaching 233,748 students.
You funded enough dictionariesto stack as high as the great pyramids.
You had some famous friends by your side.
Last fall, Katy Perry and Staples for Students teamed up to launch a national campaign encouraging shoppers to make donations to DonorsChoose.org project requests at the Staples register. This meant even more students started their school year with classrooms filled with notebooks, rulers, pencils, and more.

During Teacher Appreciation Week, Whoopi Goldberg and the cast of The View showed their love for teachers by surprising their audience with DonorsChoose.org gift cards. Whoopi also granted the classroom wishes of Mia Saggese, who teaches in the exact room where Whoopi’s mom taught preschool.
You rose to Target’s health & wellness challenge, and together funded enough Hokki stools to seat every 2016 Olympic athlete.

You welcomed a new crew of little learners.
In March, we opened to Head Start programs across the country, which provide quality education to children from low-income households. By teaming up with PNC’s Grow Up Great® initiative, you’ve already helped teachers at 176 of these preschool centers so far. We can’t wait to see how many more you’ll reach next school year.
You sent a student on a field tripevery six minutes.
You supported Louisiana schools when they needed it most.
Last August, severe floods hit Louisiana, damaging schools across the state. The DonorsChoose.org community rallied to make sure students could go to school feeling cared for and safe. Take a look at how you helped them get back to learning.
You helped 61,902 teachersget their first project funded this year.
You inspired us to come to work happy and grateful every day.
This year, the NonProfit Times named us the Best NonProfit to Work For, and we couldn't agree more!

Thank you for making thisthe best school year yet!
With special thanks to our most generous sponsors