This story appeared on the Chronicle of Philanthropy https://soundcloud.com/business-of-giving/charlie-best-founder-and-ceo-of-donorschooseorg-joins-denver-frederick-1-17-16In its early days of raising money for classrooms, DonorsChoose.org helped pay for 11 projects. Today, the organization has raised almost $400 million for nearly 700,000 projects.In this segment from the Business of Giving, Charles Best, founder of DonorsChoose, discusses how the organization has evolved and how he hopes it will shape the future of the education system in the United States. Through the years, the organization’s gathering of data has led to a number of discoveries such as the kinds of resources that teachers need in different locations or the motivation behind a donor’s giving.That information is helping the group raise money in new ways. In one recent campaign, a DonorsChoose email appeal paired teachers and donors with the same last name to see if donors donated more through a sense of kinship.