This morning Kia Motors announced a $1 million commitment to public schools! You can see the nationwide Double Your Impact picking up speed (more than 4,000 classroom projects are eligible!). This fall, by matching donations from citizen philanthropists, Kia Motors will bring more than $2 million to classrooms near their 755 retail showrooms.Group president and CEO of Kia Motors and Kia Motors Manufacturing Georgia, Byung Mo Ahn, delivered boxes of fossils, animal photo books, language games and more to Gates Elementary School in Los Angeles this morning. He presented Charles Best, Founder and CEO of, with a $1 million check.

President Ahn said, “Kia is committed to making a difference and is proud to be the first automotive brand to establish a national philanthropic partnership with to help provide school supplies for children most in need, while supporting all of the communities across the country that we call home.”This funding will be available to more than 33,800 public schools located near Kia Retail Showrooms. Kia will match donations made to qualifying projects from these public and charter schools until the funds have been exhausted. Thanks, Kia!