is pleased to introduce teachers to our new friends at Schoola, a deal-site specifically for schools! Here’s how it works:
1. Parents, teachers, or friends of a particular school approach local businesses to see if the business would like to be featured for a Schoola deal. The deal might be paying $10 for $20 worth of cupcakes from a local bakery, $15 for $30 worth of pizza from the town pizzeria, etc. Once you set up the deal, a certain portion of each deal sold goes directly to your school.2. You help Schoola spread the word by letting everyone in your school community know about the deal. You can print flyers, post Facebook announcements, and send the emails to your friends and family to encourage them to purchase the deal.3. Schoola hosts the deal fundraiser on its site, handles the purchases for the business, and sends the funds directly to the school that is benefiting!
The average amount raised by schools is $3,000 per fundraiser.

See the success that a Dallas school district had here. Check out the current deals on Schoola to get a sense of the possibilities, and join today to get started!