Although words such as “remote learning” and “distance learning” have dominated our conversations this school year, the heart of every classroom is still the connection between a teacher and their students. With the right tools and resources, that connection can remain infinitely stronger than the wifi networks powering your virtual classroom.
Over 400 teachers from the DonorsChoose community shared their feedback and tips for the most popular programs enabling their students to learn from home. Here’s what teachers across the country had to say about Breakout EDU:

What is Breakout EDU?
“This tool is a platform to access standards based "escape rooms" for all grade levels and content areas - plus some just for team building and seasonal fun! There are games that you can play with a kit - but there are also many digital versions.” – Mrs. Vedros, 8th and 11th Grade
Is Breakout EDU a good fit for my classroom?
Teachers recommend Breakout EDU for everyone! Breakout EDU includes content appropriate for all grade levels.
What do teachers think of Breakout EDU?
“I definitely recommend it because it makes students engage in contact and collaborate with others. They can also create their own breakout rooms to show their knowledge of new content learned.” – Mrs. Pierce, 6th and 8th Grade
"During distance learning we have worked all together to breakout and I have assigned breakouts in Google Classroom for them to complete alone. Additionally, I mailed them one to complete at home through a Google form. They LOVE trying to solve the puzzles!
In the classroom setting, this tool is much more valuable. Students work collaboratively to solve the puzzles which promotes powerful team building skills! " – Miss Purcell, 6th Grade
“I highly recommend Breakout EDU! The students love the challenges and they're content and standard based. It is serving two or three purposes in one and the students are always engaged in it!” – Mrs. Dragoo, 6th Grade
“I definitely recommend this tool. I went around and switched classrooms with other teachers and did breakouts with their students, just to show them how much fun and engaging they are.” – Ms. King, Grades 9-12
But will my students like Breakout EDU?
“I was worried that the students would not have the same enthusiasm opening digital locks as they do with actual locks - but I hear squeals of excitement and can see them throwing their arms up in victory when they finally figure out a lock.” – Mrs. Vedros, 8th and 11th Grade
“My class absolutely loves being able to do Breakout EDU games. It is a fun way to use what we are learning to escape. With Breakout EDU, students develop essential life skills such as critical thinking, collaboration, creativity, and communication.” – Ms.Ghusein, 4th-8th Grades
Breakout EDU Tips and Tricks
“Just do a practice run the first time you do an activity, so you can work out some of the kinks.” – Ms. King, Grades 9-12
“Make sure that you have all the clues made correctly and that you have plenty of time to set up each breakout box because you have to change lock codes, etc. Plus you have to have time to set it up for the next group, so it’s time-consuming at times.” – Mr. Starling, 9th-12th Grades
“I started using this as a Fun Friday activity for those who had their work done for the week since we are virtual and it was motivation to stay on track with their grades. Now I have started giving one to the class in different breakout rooms once every two weeks to work on social skills since we are still virtual and most of these students have never met since they are coming to middle school from three different elementary schools.” – Mrs. Dragoo, 6th Grade
Breakout EDU Cost and Subscriptions
You can get a Breakout EDU subscription without having to reach into your own pocket. Breakout EDU is available on DonorsChoose through our vendor AKJ Education. Get started on a project today.
Other remote learning resources you may find helpful:
- DonorsChoose Teachers Review Remote Learning with BrainPOP
- DonorsChoose Teachers Review Remote Learning with Flocabulary
- DonorsChoose Teachers Review Remote Learning with Nearpod
You know what your students need, especially during this time of remote learning. The DonorsChoose community is here to help you get it. 3 out of 4 schools in the U.S. have a public school teacher who’s used DonorsChoose - that’s over 1.8 million classroom project requests funded. Yours could be next. Start your project today.