What if you could enlist the best minds in the tech industry to consult for your nonprofit organization? What if you could corral the top product designers, search engine marketing experts and platform gurus from Google, Twitter, Facebook and Microsoft in one room, describe your marketing challenges and have them brainstorm areas for improvement?
A few months ago, at the inaugural “social hackathon”, our generous sponsors, Bing and Windows Live Hotmail, helped us do just that!
In the spirit of advancing social good, folks like Chris Brogan, Beth Kanter Chris Messina, Kathy Sierra, Chelsea Howe and Leah Buley lent their time to help us at DonorsChoose.org brainstorm ways to address our ongoing technology and marketing challenges (things like API strategy, repeat user engagement, site design, social media marketing, etc.) We're so fortunate to have been on the receiving end of the participants' high energy and actionable suggestions!
Today, we are publishing the best ideas, tactics, and creative solutions from the "social hackathon" in eBook format, for any and all organizations, in the spirit of advancing social good. You should download the (PDF) e-book and check it out!
Later this week, Bing, Windows Live Hotmail and Deep Focus will be updating the site with more than a dozen videos including interviews with the social hackathon experts.
A huge THANK YOU to our sponsors, and to everyone who participated in the creation of the hackathon! We are so grateful.
- Betsy Aoki, Bing
- Bert Bates, O’Reilly Media
- Leah Buley, Adaptive Path
- Chris Brogan, 501missionplace.com
- Jonathon Colman, REI.com
- Rooly Eliezerov, VP at Gigya
- Susan Etlinger, Altimeter Group
- Duane Forrester, Bing (SEO)
- Hope Frank, CMO of Webtrends
- Matt Harris, Twitter
- Chelsea Howe, Social Chocolate
- Angus Logan, Windows Live
- Mark McBride, Twitter
- Beth Kanter, author of The Networked Nonprofit
- Justin Kistner, Webtrends
- Chris Messina, Google
- Kristina Pifer, Change.org
- Scott Porad, CTO, Cheezburger Network
- Paul Ray, Bing
- David Recordon, Facebook
- Ian Schafer, CEO, Deep Focus
- James Senior, Windows Live
- Andy Smith, author of The Dragonfly Effect
- Sara Winge,VP, O'Reilly Radar