Since this school year began, over 400,000 people have come to DonorsChoose to help fund roughly 120,000 classroom requests from teachers across the country. If you’re reading this, there’s a good chance you’re one of those generous people… THANK YOU!
We all know that the best way to show teachers our support and appreciation is to fund a project so that they can have the resources and experiences their students need to succeed. Yet there’s another way that you can help: by sharing DonorsChoose with other people in your life.
With the holidays fast approaching, there’s never been a better time to spread the DonorsChoose warm-fuzzies you know so well with family, friends, colleagues, or even strangers! Here are a few easy ways to get started:
Go to town on #GivingTuesday
We get it… sometimes it’s hard to humble brag about your favorite charity. But if there’s one day a year that it’s easier than all the rest, it’s #GivingTuesday! Following the consumer bonanza that is Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, and Cyber Monday, #GivingTuesday — which falls this year on Tuesday, December 3 — is the day the world gives back. It’s a great time to ask people for their charity recommendations and offer up one of your own.
A little friendly competition
What’s a little competition among friends, especially if you’re competing to see who can be more generous to teachers? Create a giving page of classroom projects you love, challenge coworkers, friends, or family to do the same, and see who can help raise more money for teachers. You can finally beat Kevin from Accounting, and it’s all for a good cause.
Chime in when others are looking to give back (this one’s free!)
Nearly everyone is looking for a way to give back during the holidays, but sometimes finding the right opportunity can be tough. When you hear someone looking for a place to donate, recommend rallying around teachers on DonorsChoose as a way to have a local, personal impact.
The perfect gift that always fits
Some of the world’s most well-known brands give out DonorsChoose gift cards to their employees and clients around the holidays, and you can, too! We can send you physical gift cards, you can print your own, or we can email your recipient a gift code with your personal message. They’re great for stocking stuffers, holiday party surprises, and random acts of kindness.
Honor someone who has it all
Shopping for that “tough to buy for” someone, who “really doesn’t want any gifts” this year? Make a donation in their honor to a project that reflects something personal about them, like a hobby, their favorite book, or their hometown.
A lesson in philanthropy
Expecting a bunch of grandkids, nieces, nephews, cousins, or other kids for the holidays? Teach them what it means to give back by having them select a classroom project to support. Maybe they have a favorite book at school, and they can help other kids read that same book. Or maybe they want to help another school in their own community. For young people, supporting a classroom is a great way to instill a sense of generosity and gratitude for things children may take for granted.
When you introduce new people to DonorsChoose, you’re helping us grow our network of people passionate about helping teachers. Thank you for your support, and for helping us spread the word!