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What Teachers Need Most, and the World’s Best Back-To-School Sale


It’s back-to-school season, and teachers need our help to ensure their students come back to fully stocked classrooms. But what do teachers actually need?We took a look at what teachers requested most often during the 2013/2014 school year, and books won by a landslide.  Teachers requested books 250,000 times last year – that’s quite a reading list!  Check out the other hot items teachers are requesting in our infographic below.Our friends at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation are making sure teachers have what they need to start the school year right.  Between now and Sunday, August 24, the Gates Foundation will fund half of every project if citizen donors pitch in to fund the first half of the project. Consider it a “philanthropic 50%-off sale” to make your donation go twice as far!Melinda Gates explained this first-of-its-kind campaign to Katie Couric on Yahoo! News earlier today.Spread the word to help us fill America’s classrooms with the resources teachers and students need for a successful year!

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